Recharging Rights for Advocacy in Europe (RARE) is a solidarity alliance for human rights defenders. Read all about RARE’s mission and program.
RARE is co-organised by partners from academia and civil society:
Participating organisations include:
Access Now, Anti-Corruption Fund, Antigone, European Prison Observatory, Amnesty International Hungary, APADOR-CH, Bulgarian Center for Not-for-Profit Law (BCNL), Bulgarian Institute for Legal Initiatives, Center for Magtanalyse (CMA), Civil Liberties Union for Europe (Liberties), Citizen D, Citizens Network Watchdog Poland, Civil Society Development Foundation, DA Foundation–United Against Violence, Democracy Reporting International, Ekaterina Karavelova Foundation, Election-Watch.EU, ePanstwo Foundation (EPF), epicenter.works, Expert Forum, FEDERA Foundation for Women and Family Planning, FILIA Center, Gentium. Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Human Rights Center Irídia, Human Rights Cities Network, Human Rights House Zagreb, Human Rights League, Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Institute of Public Affairs, International Rescue Committee, Internet Society, Legal-Informational Centre for NGOs (PIC), Netherlands Helsinki Committee, Open Society Fund Prague, Organization for Aid to Refugees (OPU), Oxfam Novib, People in Need, Portuguese Refugee Council (CPR), PRO ASYL, Protestant Church in Germany (EKD), Refugee Support Aegean, Stefan Batory Foundation, Unhack Democracy, VIA IURIS, Viasna Human Rights Centre
This project was generously funded by:

Thank you to the organisations who have funded RARE: